Sunday, December 25, 2011


Three weeks ago, while returning from a trip to California, I had a stroke.  After short stints in three diff hospitals I am now home with my loving wife Heather.    They are saying it could  take a couple to several months to recover...  I'm giving it my best.  Hope to return to my creative self by summer.   Thanks to all for the visits and prayers.  Please feel free to call or write any time.  In my humble opinion, friends, family, and faith are the keys to most if not all problems in life.  425 338-7003

Friday, November 11, 2011


Thought I'd bought a little bit of Middle Earth and Narnia when we moved to NW in 1991.  Now know it was Tremora all the time...  Storm coming today.  These leaves don't have much time left.  Rake, rake, rake is in my future
Heather's love of Pai Gow gave us this rig for our annual trip to CA that starts tomorrow.
This window gives us a stained glass view of the seasons sans the stains.

A little bit of British style landscaping out back.

And every man's need: A tool shed.  Sharing ground with a hemlock, Douglas fir, and a couple Western Red Cedars.
Hope to see some of you at the Everett Mall during a 3 day craft show in December.  Details will be posted soon on the website,  Will have a few Christmas specials in case you give books and artwork for Christmas!   And, as to book 2, Prelandora and Ohndrea are getting down right nasty.  Hope to keep writing, even on vacation, but I think a little one named Chloe will be crawling up on my lap a lot.  Not to mention Jordie and Tyler wanting to play over the line with Paps...  Will have my cell phone and computer with me so drop me a line or give me a call any time.  Cheers and have a great Thanksgiving.

Saturday, October 29, 2011

Days in a life

The Shimmering on the book shelf at the local Barnes & Noble

Preparing for a rainy day at the Kirkland Bookfest
JJ Books, Bothell, WA
Happy Customer at Kirkland Bookfest
4 am   Today's To-Do list!

Sunday, October 2, 2011

Mom's Choice Award, New Sculpture, NW Bookfest

Just received notification that The Shimmering has won an international Mom's Choice Award for excellence in family friendly content.  A packet with seals, press releases, and other details is in the mail.  It is the book's first competition! 

Here are pictures of a sculpture just completed for a series of children's books about Pinky and Peanut.  Delivered "Pinky and Ralphie" to fellow authors Deena Cook and Cherie Mcintosh this weekend. Thanks so much Deena!

Yesterday's NW Bookfest was fun, but the event was hit pretty hard by bad weather.  Hopefully today's weather will improve.   Participated in a panel with another author and answered questions about Young Adult novels and the publication process.  Got my feet wet in more than one way!

Thanks again to Jason and June at JJ Bookstore in Bothell, WA for their support in arranging multiple book signing events.  I've sold books, met other authors, innumerable customers and learned so much about the challenges of the marketing process...

Thursday, September 8, 2011


Meet Waz and Tralana's hummingbird!  I needed to complete these guys in time for the Bookfest in Kirkland.  I sculpt, paint, and sign each one individually.  Right now they're available through the Hummingbird Lane gift shop in Bothell and at book signing events.  I will eventually figure out methods and costs so I can ship these safely through sales on my website.

I hope to add other characters to this collection by Christmas. As you can see from the pictures, each one turns out a little bit different whether I intend it or not.  I start with a mold that I make from the first piece I sculpt and bake, then insert wire where needed as an armature for the wings and tail, add the eyes, sculpt details and accessories (add feather texture, harness and hair), bake, then hand paint and airbrush as the mood dictates.  A little labor intensive, but  they're made in the USA!


Saturday, September 3, 2011

website addtions

I've made several updates to my website today: or

Sold books the last couple of days through to folks in Indiana and Bellvue, WA, an eBook on Barnes & Noble and have had 5 website visits from Moscow, Russia!  It's always exciting to make sales based on word-of-mouth or marketing efforts...  But, progress remains glacial at best.  Just gotta keep on keepin on...

Thanks to all of you (14 to date) who have left comments on  You're amazing! I'm going to send you all Shimmering bookmarks in the very near future as another thank you.  Hope I have all of your addresses.

Next project is to get the magnets ready for the bookfest in Kirkland Oct 1-2.  BTW I will be on a panel with another author from 11-noon on Saturday answering questions about the process of writing... 

Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Kalib and his ellie finished and ready to travel

Kalib got pretty bossy in the end.  Demanded more jewels, then thought he looked too fat...  Took a week.  Will be displaying this sculpture on Sept 17, at the Country Village in Bothell, WA from 11-2 PM on "Pirates Day" at J.J. Books.  Then again at the bookfest in Kirkland on Oct 1 and 2.  Please try and stop by.  Might be a bookmark in it for you! Here's a candid look at Bill as he is today.  I know a number of you haven't seen me before or not for about 30 or 40 years!  PS I think you have to join Blogger or get a yahoo account or something to make a comment.  A number of folks couldn't leave comments even though they used the comments button.  I think that's the problem.  Am still investigating.  Can anyone help?

Thursday, August 25, 2011

Kalib's ellie all dressed up

Next: Kalib on top of this elephant, on top of the platform, sitting on his throne, with his favorite parasol...  Please say hi if you're following my attempt at "social networking".  Thanks...

Tuesday, August 23, 2011

2nd bake, paint, Kalib waiting patiently

Next, to sculpt some very small brass and gold items to sell at the Bearcamp market.  Then, the most challenging part of the sculpture: Kalib atop his ice cream sundae.

Had a call (in the middle of  creating a couple of spears) from Kendal Furnas.  Heather and I met her and her daughter, Elyse, at the "Fresh Paint" art fair at the Everett Marina.  She called to buy a personalized book after visiting the Tremora website.  Thank you Kendal!

Saturday, August 20, 2011

New Sculpture and new scheduled book signing

Kalib has been on my mind lately as I work on my second book.  So, since I want to have another sculpture ready for the Bookfest in Kirkland the first week of October, I decided to sculpt an illustration from Book One of Kalib on his way to Bearcamp.  Here are a few in progress photos.  I will be adding Kalib and his mobile throne over the next week or so.

Once again I invite you to visit me at the Country Village in Bothell, WA Sept 17th for "Pirate Day".  I will be signing books, giving away art work and bookmarks, and displaying sculptures at JJ Books from 11 to 2pm. 

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Sculpting book characters

Recently, Erik Korhel, a friend, children's book author, and also the distributor for The Shimmering, asked me to sculpt the main character from his first two books (Erik himself as a child!).  I was also asked to sculpt a couple hummingbirds for The Hummingbird Lane gift shop in Bothell, WA.

Sunday, August 7, 2011

First weekend signing event comes to an end

Thanks to all who visited J.J. Books this weekend at the Country Village in Bothell, WA.  I sold a dozen books or so and met some very, very, interesting people while parked outside the bookstore surrounded by copies of The Shimmering, character sculptures, and artwork.  A display case containing Tracker and Waz will remain at the store for a few additional weeks.  The next venture will be to physically meet with other major bookstores and retail outlets in the Puget Sound area.  The Barnes and Noble store at the Alderwood Mall in Lynwood, WA is now carrying The Shimmering on its bookshelves!  I also hope to have a signing at this store in the fall.  Again, thanks, and would love to hear from anyone who is following my efforts here on my first and only personal blog!

Thursday, July 21, 2011

book 2 and coming events

I've been spending time with Michael and friends the last couple of days.  Book 2 is coming along much faster than The Shimmering which took over 8 years to complete!  Prelandora is getting very demanding...

I will be signing books and giving away book marks and copies of the book's illustrations on August 6-7 at the Country Village in Bothell, WA in front of the JJ Book store. 

Have made my first eBook sales and even had a download of the samples chapters from someone in Russia!

Waz is coming to life as a magnet.  I've made an acceptable mold and am hand sculpting and painting each one.  Hope to have them available for the BookFest in Kirkland, WA October 1-2.  After that event, I will have them available on my website. 

Would love to hear from you on what you think of the blog...


Monday, July 18, 2011

Some business stuff:  The Shimmering is now available as a trade paper back as well as an eBook at the following sites:,,, and my website,  There is a 25% discount through the end of July for the eBook version at Smashwords.

Thanks so much for the reviews!  They are extremely important to me as I venture into the marketing arena and try to get exposure for Michael and friends.  Please add any additional comments through email ( or on the Amazon site. 

Friday, July 15, 2011

Welcome to Bill's Blog!

Many of you have asked for more information about Tales of Tremora-The Shimmering, and about when the second book will be published.  I hope to use this forum for all of that.  Plus, I hope to relate stories about the inspiration for and the creation of the world of Tremora, additional details about the characters, and to answer questions from readers and fans... 

I also have a wonderful personal story about Pauline Baynes, the original illustrator for both C.S. Lewis and Tolkien, and hope to address the challenges of writing, self-publishing, marketing, sculpting, illustrating and all things creative.

As Tracker often observes, "the adventure continues."

With your support I hope that this adventure in blogging, indeed, continues...